Hi, I am Alex Hernández

Software architect. Specialist in DDD, Hexagonal Architecture, Event Sourcing and Microservices


Currently, I help in transforming abstract ideas into concrete software solutions, which effectively meet the requirements while remaining maintainable and scalable as business needs grow.

I specialize in Data Modeling and Software Architecture and strive for a thorough, well-done job where every problem is identified and solved. Honesty is my hallmark.

The articles on this page have helpful ideas and concepts that you can use in your own development.

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  • Domain-Driven Design and Hexagonal Architecture: Development, like always should have been, driven from the domain.
  • Event Sourcing: The persistence model allowing us to have full traceability, domain meaning and event-driven communications.
  • Microservices: There are a lot of misconceptions about the concept of “microservice”. We should even consider whether “micro” is the appropriate prefix.
  • Infrastructure: When it comes to building software, infrastructure is key to success. You will find information on how to make this infrastructure in this category.

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